Prevent, Protect, Strengthen
Health Tech Innovative® ZCare Immunity Booster Drink was developed for those who need a natural shield to prevent contraction of viruses. Pure Silver Ions properties work as a natural water sanitizer that deactivates and destroys viral particles and helps the body naturally eliminate viral particles. Laboratory tests have shown that Z Care. a unique formula can help prevent contraction of SARS-Cov-2
Enriched with 18ppm of Pure Silver Ions, a water-soluble and high bioactive ingredient. Antimicrobial properties that disable the enzyme system of bacteria, viruses, yeasts and other harmful parasites. Prevent bacterial growth and help accelerate the body’s recovery.
Loaded with Pure Silver Ions that enhance the immune system’s ability to fight illness, detox, reduce fatigue and boost overall vitality. Gut friendly.
Formulated with distilled water to keep the body properly hydrated for optimum function and speedy recovery. Z Care drink is a fast and great way to rehydrate, refresh, and re-energize.